Celebrating our 20th anniversary we have launched pre-sales on a limited BOX of magGots...
- A custom engraved box, designed and constructed by Indira Lakshmi.
- A hand printed shirt, designed by Indira Lakshmi.
- A mini poster designed by Martin Trafford.
- Lobby card designed by Martin Trafford and Indira Lakshmi.
- Miniature wooden figure designed by Indira Lakshmi and magGot.
- DVD packaging designed by Indira Lakshmi, Martin Trafford, magGot.
- DVD insert by magGot (1 of 4 designs randomly inserted.)
- A pet maggot.
- Hand numbered by magGot.
- DVD (1) - Feature documentary - “Last magGot Standing BIRTHING.” …is an uninhibited introspection and confession with magGot, delving into the recesses of his past and reflections on the present. Directed by Mickey D. Schneider.
- All American Devil Trailer.
- 7 short films.
- Commentary: Debut episode ‘-1’ of the 'Mouths That Kill' podcast.
- DVD (2) Feature documentary: “Last magGot Standing {HATCHED} is a candid and intimate conversation between Lucifer Sky and magGot. Filmed with an audience of hundreds during a live stream event, questions and anti dotes from the audience were moderated in the moment by Wesley Morin. Directed by Indira Lakshmi.
- Commentary: Unplanned after party with Lucifer Sky, magGot and Wesley Morin, during the live stream event. Celebrating with the audience, further digging into the soul of magGot Films.